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A water course between islands

"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together." 




Hi love

Bet you're wondering who I am, and why I'm here?!?

Over the past decade I’ve been a marine biologist, a yachtie (yep just like below deck), a fishing mate, waitress, art consultant, and personal chef. Currently I’m a blogger, mentor, amateur content creator, aspiring author, and everyone’s favorite Auntie to dogs and children alike. I’ve lived in 6 states & moved 10 times. Basically, I’m a pro at shaking up my life. 

Why you ask?!?

Because after years of trying to be happy following everyone else’s playbook and not my own, I realized that had to change. I had to figure out what I wanted to do for me. Not what everyone else expected for their happiness.

Through this path I’ve found a lot of what I don’t like to do. While figuring out the things that I’m best at, writing vulnerably about my life experiences and helping others along the way.

Desert Highway

That’s why I’m here!

I love helping women who’ve always lived to please others take their life back and live for their own happiness

By supporting them through the process of learning to listen to their own wants and needs, setting boundaries, and creating little habits resulting in living a fuller more authentic life. 


let's connect..

Where it all started... 
on the           


©2023 Laura Beth Ellis 
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