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Hi again. . .

I'm still Laura Beth

Settle in for a little story time, and I'll dish it out....


Have you ever felt like you were backed into a corner to give an answer? You found the answer, you made the plan, but then things didn’t work out as planned? Like you had your whole life figured out, until well you didn’t? That’s my story…here are the specifics.


I never wanted a traditional path. My sister wanted to be a doctor. My brother wanted to be an astronaut truck driver. At one brief point, I wanted to be a movie star until I realized movie stars did more than play dress up…then I was out. Sincerely, I didn’t have an aspiration of “what I wanted to be when I grew up.”


Aspiration or not, we all know once you reach a certain age, everyone is asking. That’s when I decided at 17, I would be a marine biologist for the rest of my life. Because our society thinks somehow, we can make these types of huge decisions when picking out what to wear each day can be tough enough.


Why did I decide Marine Biologist?


I knew I wasn’t getting out of going to college. Heck at that point, I assumed that was the only option. Professions existed outside of college, but they weren’t giving as legit options by my family. If I was forced to follow the rules, at very least I would do it somewhere warm living life in a bathing suit and flip flops.


A decade down the line living in Maine going to graduate school with failing physical and mental health, I started to realize life got way off track. Life hadn’t turned out to be anything that I thought it would be. First off, I was cold. Like the majority of the time in Maine. I rarely wore flip flops let alone a bathing suit! Second, while I was “successful” at my career every step of the way was a sacrifice, with the latest sacrifice being my health.


Something had to give. But I wasn’t giving up yet. I hadn’t completely broken yet.


The Fall of 2017 changed that. Life had gotten worse than ever between the pressure of finishing my thesis looming and working a full-time job while doing everything I could to not let the depression completely take over.  Then I got a phone call from my future advisor telling me I wouldn’t be starting my PhD program in the spring of 2018.


Broken, crushed, devastated.


While that was one of the worse moments of my life, it woke me up. It made me realize I was living a life based on others expectation of how it should look. I was trying to make everyone else around me happy, by negating all my own happiness in the process. I was people pleasing to the max.


So at 29, I ditched my 5-year plan and retired from Marine Science. I took a deep dive into figuring myself out by asking some fundamental questions no one, including myself had ever asked.


What did I love to do?


Do I love me?


Am I happy?


Why do I show up for everyone else before myself?


What did I want to be when I grew up?


Wait was I “grown-up?”


How do I start making my life about me?


These questions are what has sent me down a path of personal development and searching for my next big path in life.


Five years later I’ve figured out a lot of things I don’t want to do with my life while determining the one that really lights me up. I love helping other women. Especially other women frustrated by making everyone in their life happy except themselves.


In our society, we are trained through positive rewards to tend to everyone else’s needs before our own. At one point it helped our society grow and prosper. We’ve grown out of that period in time. It’s time for us as women, to start living for ourselves and our personal happiness more than everyone else’s around us.


My main goal is to help women in their quarter-life to mid-life crisis find the life that lights them up on the inside by learning to love themselves first, listen to their intuition, and living in alignment with their authentic selves. These are the keys to living an abundant, joyful, fulfilled life that we all deserve and desire. It all comes by making little changes one by one every day that result long term into a major impact. Little changes, that’s all it takes, that’s why I’m here to help you through that process to the life you love.


Laura Beth

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