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Fishing Village

Just Relax!

How many times have you been told this in your life?

Whether it be general advice for a little peace or you’re overreacting to a situation or working too much in a scattered fashion, and someone’s advice to you is to “just relax.”

I’ve heard it a lot in my life. I’m an Aries, and while I don’t buy whole heartedly into astrology for everything, we are known for being fiery and getting worked up. It was common in my 20’s for friends to bring up topics that they knew would push my buttons just to get me fired up. Apparently, I’m quite entertaining in that state…add a drink or two and your evening is made. You’re welcome!

I’ve also received this advice at jobs where I feel pulled in multiple directions and trying to do all the things all at once. Most recently it happened on my last trip in the middle of folding napkins into bowties, a guest needed a drink. I popped up to get it. The captain said while motioning with his hand to sit back down, “Just relax, they can get their own drink this time.”

All in all I’m not the best at relaxing. Even on my days off I fill my time with “productivity.” Yes, I have a to-do list for my off days. Typically involving self-development, working out, and random adulting tasks. While I enjoy these things, sometimes they feel more like a chore I must accomplish instead of something I enjoy in life. Or the flip side of that, I relax with coworkers which involves drinking a little too much and the next day I’m regretting the relaxing day all together. I’m not good at just being. At just doing nothing. Being at peace with my surroundings and letting go.

Now is my time to do this. Yesterday was my last day on the yacht for the time being. I’m sure I’ll be back on board working at some point for a guest appearance, but for now I’m taking a much-needed break. I’m relaxing. I’m getting a little routine in my life to relax on my days off. I can relax on my days off.

Thus, to start off this adventure, I came to a good friend’s house in Lauderdale by the Sea. Originally, I was planning to come here when I was anxious about finding my spot in Key West. I found a spot over the weekend, which I could’ve moved down to yesterday after leaving the boat. However, I decided to wait a little while. I know the situation I’m moving into. As soon as I get down there, I will be in nesting mode. Trying to find all the things for my room. Trying to meet up with new and old friends. Looking for a job. I will literally be doing all the things. I wanted a little calming before the storm.

Thus, I came here. To a place that’s always felt a little like home. Mainly because this is where my Soul Momma is. The woman I needed in my life for all these changes before I even knew I needed her. While I love my mother dearly, she isn’t on board with all my new ideas. She is open to hear about them, but it isn’t quite a discussion as much as an explanation. With my Soul Momma, she can teach me so much and give me a lot of insight into my new ways of thinking. So, I came here to relax and decompress a little.

I arrived yesterday around 10:30 in the morning. We sat and chatted for a few hours at the dinner table until the weather warmed up outside. She’s been doing some home renovations lately, and she needed a little warmer weather to get outside. Of course, I helped her. We went outside and prepped and painted her patio area. I thoroughly enjoyed our time out there together and enjoyed doing a little physical labor. However, as you would guess, I didn’t just relax. I was helping. I enjoyed helping. I wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

However, I wasn’t just sitting and reading in peace of really letting go of the day. I was still being productive. I gain a lot of self-worth out of being productive. Especially if my productivity benefits someone else greatly, it’s double points in my self worth bucket! Don’t get me wrong, I did not do this out of obligation in any form, and I was not consciously trying to feel good about myself through these actions. I’m purely observing my behaviors from yesterday and sharing them.

My goal in coming here was to completely relax. To do nothing. My first day here I ended up working outside for a few hours to help a dear dear friend. I enjoyed it. Yet, I didn’t do nothing all day.

I feel I still relaxed yesterday. While I was technically working, I wasn’t under any requirement, and I was spending time with a friend chatting and enjoying her company. I enjoyed my day, I enjoyed her company, and I felt accomplished at the end of it. I like this kind of relaxing. I also capped my day off with binge watching 2 hours of Netflix. I did nothing then!

Thus, I pose the question to you: How hard is it for you to just relax? Truly do nothing?

When you are relaxing are you still slightly being productive? Does this count as relaxing?

What is your definition of relaxing?

Let me know your thoughts! Or just pounder on them and try to enjoy some relaxation this week!

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Relaxation is an art form!

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