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Fishing Village

My Dear Wild Untamed Woman...

My one piece of dating advice, leave. Leave early, leave often.

Leave at the first hint of self abandonment

Leave the first time they try to silence your sparkle

Leave the first time they don’t feed your fire

Leave the first time they make you feel less than

Leave at the first sign of judgement for the way you’ve chosen to live your life

Leave the first time you’re too much

Leave the first time you’re not enough

Leave the first time they make you think you’re hard to love for the way you live your life

Leave the first time you find yourself silencing yourself in their presence

The first time you’re still, silent so not disturb their slumber

The first time the words don’t come out for fear of their opinion

Leave the first time they try to tame you...

Fit you into their convenient box

Mold you into the woman they imagined as a boy

Change you into who they thought you were the moment they met you

Because you dear are a complex and beautiful creature that was not meant to be tamed. You do not live your life for others satisfaction because you know that’s an empty hole you can not go down again. You do not live up to others expectations of you, because you have your own and they are more magical, beautiful, and extravagant than any man, woman, or child could ever paint for you. You are the grand artist of your life. You paint outside the lines in the most vibrate colors and you were made to shine brighter with every passing day until you are taken from this world.

You were made to love you. You were made for unconditional endless beautiful love. Not their shallow promises made with stipulations that kill the very spirit they fell in love with.

So my beautiful young woman, leave and leave often. Leave when you have the first instinct he is like all the rest who tried to change you in the past. He, they, can not love you the way you were meant to be loved. He can not hold you the way you were meant to be held. You are too much, and he is afraid. His fear is not your fault.

Your only fault is not holding out for the fearless.

Do not wait for them to learn to love you. They are too slow and you deserve to be loved fully wholly in your now. Or to be fully wholly on your own loved.

Leave because I promise you the one that can love all of you is out there. They are out there waiting for you to stop playing small, waiting for you to stop silencing yourself, waiting for you to be too much for them to handle,

They are out there. They exist. I’ve found mine. I found mine at the exact right time when I learned to live fully in my own presence. The sooner you live wholly in your own being for you and no one else. The sooner you will find them and love them for their full being completely and utterly separate from you. Yet somehow the exact same as you in their whole being.

So my wild woman...leave early, leave often until you find the one who slows your pace long enough to run along side of you.

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