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Fishing Village

What am I doing here?!?

Hi loves,

Oh how I had such grand plans for this blog. Sincerely I believed at one point this blog would somehow become a source of income for me. Maybe it still will later down the line. Yet, the fact that it's not at the moment has everything to do with me. I've enjoyed writing this blog, using it as an outlet for my inner thoughts to connect with y'all for my favorite "that's me too" moments. For any writer in the genera of nonfiction writing about their personal experience with life, those are the moments we write for. Some deep calling within us says "Share. Share so deep, they can't look away. Entrance them with the depths of your soul."

Why does it say this? Why do we listen?

Because it works. We all love to hear the latest spilt tea. Regardless if we can completely relate or not. I've always written because my thoughts and feelings on life in its current state are not unique. Based on the various conversations with friends across vastly different life paths, there are core feelings, emotions we've all seemed to acquire. Thus, while I want nothing more to be different, special, unique, I am well aware I am not.

Maybe bolder than some, yet not the boldest. Maybe more adventurous than others, yet not Nat Geo worthy. Maybe more open and compassionate than another, yet I'm not a saint.

My life, isn't extraordinary in the grand scheme of lives lived. Yet, it is different than the status quo, and after all that was my main goal in life. To be different than the lives I saw lived growing up. As a child, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, because all the options presented to me did not seem fun. I wanted my life to be fun. Over the last 5 years, I've accomplished a funner life than the one I had lived the 5 years prior to it. While the majority of the time I feel I'm failing at this thing called life, I do take this as an accomplishment.

So now....

What's next?

Am I still open to obtaining a coaching client or two?

Of course I am. The wisdom I've gained over the past 5 years along my own personal development journey is invaluable to others. Instead of going alone along this path, a person could hire me to be their sidekick and number one cheerleader.

Am I putting much effort into the world to obtain these clients?

Nope. It's a lot of work to be a successful coach of any kind, and to be honest, it sounds exhausting. If lightening strikes, I'm here! Yet, I'm not willing to put countless hours into the pursuit simply because I want to live a life. And throwing myself into the marketing behind gaining coaching clients is a never ending path of asking myself, "Am I doing enough?" I'm tired of that repetitive question in my head and the pursuits that always lead me there. My Human Design (if you don't know what human design is check out this site) says when I'm on the right path, success is the indicator. I.e. success comes easily to me. With attempting to become a coach over the years, success has not come. Thus, it's time to move on.

Back to what's next for me....

I'm writing a book. Writing a book has been in the back of my mind for at least 5 years, maybe longer. It was there before starting this blog, before becoming a coach, before I got into MLMs (sorry to those I harassed about that, thank you to those who always supported me), before becoming a stewardess on a sportfish and then a yacht, before selling art, before the last 5 moves I've was there. In the back of my mind. The topic has changed, but the passion the idea has always been there.

Writing is my passion. It is my creative outlet. While I have begun to enjoy others over time, she is my main love. Words have always hit me in my heart, and since I've had the notion I could do this for other, I've desired that.

What is my goal with writing a book?!?

Obviously to become a full time writer. To live off my creative talent. To hit the NYT bestsellers list. To travel, to live life bigger than I currently am, and create more. Yet, as Elizabeth Gilbert kindly points out in Big Magic we are not promised that. We are never promised success from our creative endeavors, simply the joy of creating.

For now, while I'm comfortably living off my jobs in hospitality, I will enjoy the ability to create. I will focus on writing a full manuscript, while I have the time and luxury to do so. I'm grateful I have the time and luxury to do so.

Then on my down time between writing, working, and working out (I'm about to go into a cutting phase), I'll enjoy my life. I'll spend time with Zach here in the Florida Keys. I'll get a tan. I'll connect with friends, strengthen existing and create new bonds. I'll read books, I'll listen to books that inspire me, that light me up inside. I'll leave time and space for life to simply find me happy. Because I didn't leave my life, my career in Marine Science to just burn my own damn self out. I left to create a life I enjoy. Thus it's time to start defining exactly what that is.

So that is the big news. Maybe not new news, because I do feel I've expressed this desire before, but it might've been quite some time ago.

The other thing I wanted to mention, I want help with my blogs.

If you've been here for a while, and follow me on the 'gram. Back in 2020, I did a walk and talk series. This was me walking through the Garden District of NOLA in the early mornings, getting my steps in and giving advice on whatever topic came to my mind that day. I'd like to bring this to my blog. I'm not sure how I'll do it yet. Currently my best bet is to Email me on here, but possibly I'll figure out how to set up an anonymous entry form page on my sight and direct you there. Regardless, for now it will be anonymous to my readers. Only I will know who you are, and that's if I actually know the email address the inquiry is coming from.

So please send me topics. Send me emails to my


For now that's all! I hope you had a wonderful week, and where ever you are the sun is shining!


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