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Fishing Village

What is it about?!?

Hands down the #1 question you get when you tell people you are starting a blog (probably still the number one question you get when you just have a blog in general!). And let me tell you I gotta work on this pitch. Currently I’m telling people….

“Ummm… me, my life? Where I’ve been so far and what I’ve learned?!?”

I think it’s the uncertainty throwing people off. Regardless, I’ve had multiple convos with friends that went something like this:

Friend: “What’s your blog about?”

Me: “It’s about me…my life, where I’ve been, what I’ve learned, the things I’ve been through.”

Friend: “Ummmm okay that’s fine but what’s the theme?”

Me...looking at them blankly blinking. Let me tell you my looks are worth 1, 010 words. If you know me you know!

Friend: “Like are you blogging about running or baking or lifting…”

Me: “No, why would I?”

Friend: “Because you have to get the reader there.”

Me: “Okay…well….ummmm…it’ll be a lifestyle blog….that’s a thing!”

Friend, side-eyeing me, “I think you need a theme”

Ask my mother or my Bestie Best, one of my biggest pet peeves is being told what to do, and one of the quickest ways to get me to do something is telling me I can’t do it. So here I am writing a blog about me! About my life, and the things I’ve done, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Why? Why not conform? There are two reasons. One, I did that. For 12 years of my life, I did what I was supposed to do. I picked a profession in High School. I went to college. I got a “real” job. I went back to school to further my career. And at 29 on October 4th, 2017, the reality I had created came crashing down around me. I had hit a rock bottom when my last Ph.D. opportunity that was a “sure thing” fell through. I hit the rock bottom because I realized the career path I had sacrificed the majority of my 20’s for had lead me into depression. Depression was new for me. I had watched my sister battle with it since her younger teens, and I never understood how or why you would literally sleep all day. Especially me, the girl who could brighten the room with her smile. Daddy’s little sunshine!

I left. I walked away. I finished my commitment. It took a year too long, but it was finished. Since then I’ve been picking back up the pieces. I’ve been healing myself. I’ve been trying to figure out what the hell I wanna do with my life or at very least this chapter of my life.

Two, it was in that dark time, in that loneliness that I made a decision for myself. It was time to level the fuck up! I mean it. I had been playing by everyone else rules, coloring in the lines, playing it safe, and deep down inside I ain’t that kinda girl. And I sure as hell didn’t want to become that kind of woman. I want to truly be the confident strong woman that everyone sees me as. When people tell me how strong or fearless I am, I want to say, “Thank you” and know for 100% certainty they are right!

So this blog is going to be about my life. Mainly the risks I’ve taken and the lessons I’ve learned from them. How I’ve used my biggest battle, loneliness, to level up my life!

How will you learn about all these leveling up lessons?!?

Through stories I’m planning on telling you in no particular order. I’ll be sharing with you stories of my childhood, and how they created the trigger that paralyze me as an adult. How I’ve been actively been identifying these triggers, digging deep into them, and then the work I do to fix them.

It’ll be about the blunders of my 20’s. The blow-up that got me demoted from a recent promotion. All the random situationships in and out of my life. I will be defining what a situationship is if you’re curious. I will go into the details of my Rock Bottom.

It’ll be about the lessons I’ve learned in my 30’s. How I’ve slowed down to look at WTF I’m doing with my life enough to realize in the moment when something is not right for me. How I’ve learned to listen to my intuition. How I’ve begun to give myself a little more grace in life. Because I am 100% my worst critic! I don’t think that’s a revelation for any woman on planet EARTH! But I have to admit my faults!

My blog is going to be about life…while it is about MY life specifically, I sincerely believe my life is highly relatable. Because while we are going through these hardships in life we feel as if we are the only one going through them, that it’s only our life that isn’t working out. This is a little trick our mind plays on us while we are low to keep us low, and this low is real fucking lonely! This blog is to relate to other women, men, or anyone in-between to not feel so lonely. Because the time I woke up and looked around my life thinking “What the fuck am I doing here?!? How the fuck did I get here?!?” was one of the loneliest of my life, and I had a bomb ass support system all around me.

My hope for this blog is to bring up topics about my life. Make you laugh. Make you realize you’re special, your life is special, but you aren’t alone when you start feeling lost and lonely.

My goal…start conversations with some of y’all so we can laugh about the irony we call life.

If you have read this far…THANK YOU LOVE!!! It means so much to me! Stay tuned for my weekly posts!

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May 06, 2020

Looking forward to reading more. Don't stop now!

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